Welcome Home

We gather for worship each Sunday at 9:15am and 11:15am. Join us this Sunday!

Welcome Home

We gather for worship each Sunday at 9:15am and 11:15am. Join us this Sunday!


New Here?

We can't wait to meet you! Click on the button below to learn more about who we are.


Get In Touch

Have a question about any of our ministries or worship times? Click below to message us directly!


*Upcoming Events To Look Forward To!


Welcome to North Shore United Methodist Church. We are delighted to have you come worship with us and be part of our community of faith. We want you to feel welcomed and at home. Here at North Shore we are on a journey together, an adventure in loving God and loving one another, an adventure in what the Kingdom of God looks like right here, right now.

Whether you have been a Christian your whole life or are just exploring the faith, North Shore is the place to openly and authentically ask questions, seek God, and grow with others on the journey. We have folks at each service to help guide you and show you around. Check out our programs for youth and children. We look forward to welcoming you to North Shore UMC!


North Shore United Methodist Church

Service Times

Visit Us!

Never Miss A Sermon!

We all have times when we cannot attend service in person, whether for family out of town, vacations, or other unavoidable circumstances.

At North Shore UMC, we desire for all to have access to recordings of our messages, no matter where they are or when they want to listen! Click the button below to listen and download previous sermons.

NSUMC Nursery

We do not have a nursery at the moment, we are currently working to recruit staff for our nursery and hope to provide that soon, No matter what age, all children are always welcome in ANY worship service. We even provide some pretty cool wiggler packs (activities) for your children located in the back of the worship center. 

Online Giving

How much should I give? The New Testament teaches giving in proportion to the material blessings we have received. Jesus affirmed the Old Testament tradition of tithing – giving 10% of our income or blessings. He praised the sacrificial generosity of the poor widow (Luke 21:1-4). We encourage giving a percentage of your income and moving toward, or beyond, the tithe as your goal as you grow in your generosity.

Why should I pledge and not just continue to give on Sunday? First, the process of prayerfully asking God to guide your decision and then making a commitment is an expression of gratitude and praise to God. Secondly, your commitment allows our church to budget and plan for our ministries in the coming year.

What if my situation changes and I need to change my commitment? We understand that life changes… just let us know if you need to make an adjustment.


What We Believe

  • God

    We believe in one God, who is exists in three distinct persons… The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus

    We believe in Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully human and came to earth to bring about God’s reign through his life, death, and resurrection. Through faith in Jesus Christ we are able to receive forgiveness for our sin, enter into a relationship with the God who created us, and begin to be remade in God’s image.

  • The Holy Spirit

    We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is at work in the world around us and lives within each follower of Christ to empower a life that reflects the lifestyle, values, and character of Jesus. When we sense God’s leading, God’s challenge, or God’s support or comfort, it’s the Holy Spirit at work.

  • The Church

    The Church is the body of Christ, made up of all those in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, who are called to live in fellowship and worship together, as they join in God’s redeeming work in the world.

  • The Bible

    We believe The Bible is the primary authority for our faith and practice, and that the scriptures in both the Old and New Testament are the inspired Word of God..

  • God's Reign

    The reign of God, referred to in the Bible as “The Kingdom of God” or “The Kingdom of Heaven”, is both a present reality and future hope. We are able to experience God’s reign becoming a reality in our lives right now as we follow Jesus and experience the transforming work of the Holy Spirit. We are also invited to be a part of bringing God’s reign to the brokenness of this world so God can continue making things new. We look forward to a future day when Jesus will return and make all things right once again..

  • Human Beings

    We believe that humans are made in the image of God, with an original goodness and a capacity to love God and others, enjoy life, and exercise creativity. After the Fall, all humans inherited a sinful nature that prevents us from fully living into our original goodness on our own and has distorted the image of God within us. This results in a broken relationship with God, other people, ourselves, and all of creation. We are unable to fix this brokenness on our own, so we are in need of a savior who can both forgive us and restore us back to our original goodness. Despite our sinfulness, God still loves us and is at work bringing us back to God so we can live as new creations. 

If you would like to hear more from us, then sign up for our newsletter!

New to Our Church?

Find Answers to Your Questions
  • What should I expect during the service?

    Every week the services include music, children's message, prayer, offering, scripture and message. The first Sunday of the month also includes Holy Communion. Baptisms are scheduled with Pastor Sheri.

  • What can I expect from North Shore United Methodist Church?

    We are so glad you have decided to check out North Shore United Methodist Church. We are very excited to have you come and be with us. We want you to feel welcomed and at home. Here at North Shore United Methodist Church, we are on a journey together. A journey that will take us to greater depths of understanding, about the world, the Kingdom of GOD, and our role in bringing that Kingdom here now.

    Whether you have been a Christian your whole life or are just exploring the faith, North Shore United Methodist Church is the place to openly and authentically ask questions and feel free to grow and search. We have folks at each service to help guide you and show you around. Check out our Methodist Church programs for youth and children. We want our youth to claim their own Methodist Church faith and be excited about the journey ahead. Let’s climb! together!

  • Do I have to be a member to participate in small groups or other activities?

    At North Shore UMC, we don't care if you've been here 8 minutes or 8 years. Everyone is welcome to be part of anything they feel called to do. We are so glad that you feel called to be a part of anything we have going on. Introduce yourself, make some friends, and be a part of a movement we hope will Change the World. And if you decide membership is a commitment you're ready to make, feel free to make an appointment with Pastor Sheri. You don't get a special t-shirt or a members-only jacket, but we have coffee, goodies, and a lot of good stuff to share with you so that you can get even more connected to North Shore UMC.

  • How do I get there?

    Our church is located at 23880 N. Cranes Mill Rd. Canyon Lake, TX 78133.

  • Where do I go?

    As you drive onto campus, the building directly in front of you is our Education Building. The building on your left as you drive on campus is our Worship Building. There will be greeters or ushers to welcome you!

  • Why should I fill out a registration form?

    Basically, it's a great way for us to get to know you. We would be grateful to have a record of your visit and Pastor Sheri would really like to write you a note, email or call to say hello. We want to help you connect with the North Shore family!

  • What should I wear?

    Whatever you're comfortable in. We're more concerned with getting to know you than with what you wear. So come in your cowboy boots, jeans, a dress, shorts, or your favorite t-shirt. We live at the lake! We're just happy you're here!

  • Am I able to request prayer online?

    Absolutely! Our church would love to pray for you. If you are in need of prayer, click on the "Request Prayer" button in the bottom right corner of the website. Here, you have the choice to keep your request private, only for our pastors, or to be made public to the church- so that more may pray for your need. If you are looking for a church to call home, we hope you will join us at North Shore United Methodist Church!

    "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to GOD. And the peace of GOD, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7

  • How should I get in contact with the church?

    We are here to answer your questions! If you would like to send us a direct message, feel free to use the convenient contact form found under the specific emails of the "Contact Us" tab. This message will go directly to our church leadership, and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible! If you would prefer to give us a call, our church is available by phone at 830-521-7602 . We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Can my children come to worship?

    We are currently working to recruit staff for our nursery and hope to provide that soon, No matter what age, all children are always welcome in ANY worship service. We even provide some pretty cool wiggler packs (activities) for your children located in the back of the worship center. 

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