
We gather each Sunday at 9:15am + 11:15am. Join us this Sunday!


In worship we gather together to praise God, pray, learn, be blessed by music, offer ourselves to God, and be inspired to grow in our faith. The message is the same at both services. The music at 9:15 is more traditional while the music at 11:15 is more contemporary. We also gather for special seasonal services during Advent and Christmas, Lent and Holy Week. We invite you to join us for worship.

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism

Baptism is an important part of our worship and community life. It is our initiation into the Body of Christ, the Church, and it joins us with Christians all around the world, It is one of two sacraments that we celebrate in the United Methodist Church (the other being Holy Communion), The gift of baptism is celebrated within the context of worship, with the community of faith present as witnesses of and participants in God's grace at work in the life of the one being baptized, 

For more information about baptism and the United Methodist Church: 


For more information about baptism at NSUMC, or to schedule a baptism, please contact Pastor Sheri 830-521-7602 

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Holy Communion is a sacrament in which we remember Christ's death on the cross and allow God to sustain us and empower us for following Christ in the world, We use bread and juice to celebrate, and we practice an open table, where anyone who wants to know Jesus and celebrate this sacred meal is welcome to participate, 

At NSUMC we regularly celebrate Holy Communion in both worship services on the 1st Sunday of the month, Gluten free elements available, 

For more information about Holy Communion and the United Methodist Church: 


What You Can Expect

Welcome to North Shore United Methodist Church. We are delighted to have you come worship with us and be part of our community of faith. We want you to feel welcomed and at home. Here at North Shore we are on a journey together, an adventure in loving GOD and loving one another, an adventure in what the Kingdom of GOD looks like right here, right now.

Whether you have been a Christian your whole life or are just exploring the faith, North Shore is the place to openly and authentically ask questions, seek GOD, and grow with others on the journey. We have folks at each service to help guide you and show you around. Check out our programs for youth and children. We look forward to welcoming you to North Shore UMC!

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